How do I async/await an fetch response?

I want to use await to save the response to a variable. I need to store that response in a variable and use it in the next code flow. I don’t want to store and use variables only inside function braces. In the code below, only one console.log is written, but many events exist. I don’t want to use fetch and then. I want to solve it using async/await, but everything I do is wrong. What did I do wrong?

Try 1

Run => Uncaught SyntaxError: await is only valid in async functions and the top level bodies of modules

var resp = await fetch(``);  
var jobj = await resp.json();  
var display = jobj.display;  
console.log(display); //I need display value

Try 2

Run => undefined

async function abc(url) {
  var resp = await fetch(url);
  var jobj = await resp.json();
  return jobj;
var url = '';
var jobj = abc(url);
//var jobj = async() => await abc(url); //undefined
var display = jobj.display;  
console.log(display); //I need display value