Calculating on objects in recursive function

I’m trying to make a function that calculates the percentage of “completed tasks” in a recursive manner.

Here’s what I have now, but this only calculates the percentage on the parent, not grandparent etc:

const tasks = [
    { id: 1, task: 'Clean apartment', completed: null, parentId: null},
    { id: 2, task: 'Make app', completed: null, parentId: null},
    { id: 3, task: 'Clean bathroom', completed: null, parentId: 1},
    { id: 4, task: 'Clean kitchen', completed: null, parentId: 1},
    { id: 5, task: 'Wash sink', completed: true, parentId: 3},
    { id: 6, task: 'Wash shower', completed: null, parentId: 3},
    { id: 7, task: 'Wash glass panes', completed: null, parentId: 6},
    { id: 8, task: 'Wash floor', completed: null, parentId: 6},

function compileTask(tasks, taskId) {
    var task = (typeof taskId === 'number') ? tasks.find(task => === taskId) : taskId;
    var children = tasks.filter(t => t.parentId ===;

    task.percent = children.filter(c => c.completed === true).length / children.length * 100

    task.children = => compileTask(tasks, child));
    return task

console.log(compileTask(tasks, 1))

As you see, task id 3 is 50% completed because one of the two child tasks are marked completed, but task id 1 is 0% completed. If I’m calculating right in my head, task id 1 should return 25% completed.

Any tips?