How can I filter() a value between several columns of my JSON? Javascript

I am faced with a problem and I don’t understand how I can solve it.

I have a service where I return the following JSON:

    "data": [
            "data": 179,
            "data_form": "Finished - Form Covid-19 Test 1",
            "form": 144,
            "user": 1,
            "status": "Finished"
            "data": 176,
            "data_form": "Form Covid-19 Test 2",
            "form": 144,
            "user": 1,
            "status": "In process"
            "data": 177,
            "data_form": "Finished - Form Covid-19 Test 3",
            "form": 144,
            "user": 1,
            "status": "In process"
            "data": 178,
            "data_form": "Finished - Form Covid-19 Test 4",
            "form": 144,
            "user": 1,
            "status": "In process"

I am using a PIPE where I am sending it my array, the value I want to filter and the column where that value is:

  *ngFor="let form of forms | filter: searchValue: ['status','data_form']">
  <app-form-user [form]="form">

It works if I indicate the column:

    return array.filter( 
      //It works
      item=> item[column[0]].toLowerCase().includes( text ) 

The idea is to look for the value in all the columns that you indicate to the pipe, I tried the following:


    return array.filter( 
      item=> item[column.forEach((data) => found = data )].toLowerCase().includes( text );
    return array.filter( 
      item=>Object.keys(column).every(key =>
        item[key] == column[key]
    return array.filter( 
      item=> column.forEach((data) => item[data].toLowerCase().includes( text ))

I hope you can help me, thank you.