TypeError Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘related’)

I am trying to follow a tutorial from someone who created a full website using Adonisjs, almost everything was exactly like showed in the tutorial, exept that the frontend was a little different, but the results were the same.
Now I am trying to get the posts showed in the browser, but when I try I get this error:
TypeError Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘related’)
I tried to see if I had mistaken something, but even using the same code used on the tutorial. The error is the same. Here is my code:

import { HttpContextContract } from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/HttpContext'
import State from 'App/Enums/States'
import Post from 'App/Models/Post'
import PostStoreValidator from 'App/Validators/PostStoreValidator'

export default class PostsController {
  public async index({ view, auth, params }: HttpContextContract) {
    const page = params.page ?? 1
    const posts = auth.user!.related('posts').query().paginate(page, 20)
    return view.render('studio/posts/index', { posts })

  public async create({ view }: HttpContextContract) {
    return view.render('studio/posts/create', {})

  public async store({ request, response }: HttpContextContract) {
    const data = await request.validate(PostStoreValidator)

    await Post.create({ stateId: State.PUBLIC, ...data })

    return response.redirect().toRoute('studio.posts.index')

But there are a lot more, so I am letting my gthub repositore here, so you can take a look at the entire code. The error shows some typeerror, but I have already tried to copy and paste the same code as gave on the tutorial, but nothing changes…

I hope someone can see what can be causing this error because obviously I can’t.