i want to recreate this python function in JS so i can use it in an HTML file. i am not familiar with JS

def printit():
  threading.Timer(1.0, printit).start()
  session = HTTP("https://api-testnet.bybit.com/",api_key="", api_secret="")

  positionBuy = session.my_position(symbol="BTCUSDT")['result'][0]['unrealised_pnl']
  positionSell = session.my_position(symbol="BTCUSDT")['result'][1]['unrealised_pnl']
  print (positionBuy)
  print (positionSell)


The idea is to fetch data every second but if i do it in python i will hit rate limit if many users are using this , so if i do it in JS then it will reduce rate limit since it will load on the frontend with users ip(so i’ve heard)

is this possible?