How to change color of a specific feature (building) with setFeatureState Mapbox GL

My use case : Fill the color on building/address based on user’s searched building/address in Mapbox GL.

What I have achieved till now : I am able to get the searched building’s details by using GeoCoder event “result” and I am getting feature ID in response along with coordinates of the searched address. And I am changing it’s color by using setFeatureState method but it’s filling the color on whole state/country. Please checkout my JS code.

const bounds = [
        [-97.846976993, 30.167105159], // Southwest coordinates
        [-97.751211018, 30.242129961], // Northeast coordinates

      const map = new mapboxgl.Map({
        container: "map",
        style: "mapbox://styles/smallcrowd/cl07a4926001b15pnu5we767g",
        center: [-79.4512, 43.6568],
        zoom: 13,
        maxBounds: bounds,

      // Add the control to the map.
      const geocoder = new MapboxGeocoder({
        accessToken: mapboxgl.accessToken,
        mapboxgl: mapboxgl,

      geocoder.on("result", (e) => {
        map.addSource("states", {
          type: "geojson",
          data: "",
          id: "state-fills",
          type: "fill",
          source: "states",
          layout: {},
          paint: {
            "fill-color": "#FFA500",
          id:, //feature id
          source: "states",


This is geocoder result response:

result: {
center: (2) [-97.791161, 30.229803]
context: (6) [{…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}]
geometry: {coordinates: Array(2), type: 'Point'}
id: "poi.412316930875"
place_name: "Texas Tool Traders, 2101 W Ben White Blvd, Austin, Texas 78704, United States"
place_name_en-US: "Texas Tool Traders, 2101 W Ben White Blvd, Austin, Texas 78704, United States"
place_type: ['poi']
properties: {foursquare: '53d16d13498ea4ebec82bc78', landmark: true, address: '2101 W Ben White Blvd', category: 'hardware, shop'}
relevance: 1
text: "Texas Tool Traders"
text_en-US: "Texas Tool Traders"
type: "Feature"