Mongoose Schema show the array if a friendId exist in Users Model schema

I have created a user which has its login data and into it is has some arrays including friends, groups, pages and other stuff.
But I am stucked when I want see who has sent me a friend request.
So I have am trying to create the friend request/response as in Facebook.
My logic it is for the moment when I send you a friend request I add to my array of friends and then with post request I can see at which users is my ID added and it has the status Pending.
For the moment I have tried something but I am getting empty array as response.
My code is below.

user.service.js backend

const User = require("../models/user");
async function findYourPendingContact({friendId}) {
    return await User.find({friends: friendId});

module.exports = {

routes.js"/user-friends", UserController.findYourContacts);

This is the Controller.

const userService = require("../service/user.service");
async findYourContacts(req, res, next) {
    let friendId = req.body.friendId;
    userService.findYourPendingContact({friendId: friendId})
    .then(friends => res.json(friends))
    .catch(err => next(err));

So seems my Database Json.
The user that added me as friend.

    "_id" : ObjectId("620bfd2d860fd314fc538df3"),
    "firstName" : "Max",
    "email" : "[email protected]",
    "lastName" : "Muster",
    "password" : "$2b$10$D8l15CTZHbp/rcApqXpwT.KUbHAg0hBYp0h1qounnKFW.plDO9wKe",
    "phone" : {
        "number" : "1234566",
        "countryCode" : "DE",
        "dialCode" : "+49",
        "e164Number" : "+491234566",
        "internationalNumber" : "+49 1234566",
        "nationalNumber" : "1234566"
    "gender" : 1,
    "birthday_day" : "13",
    "birthday_month" : "8",
    "birthday_year" : "1998",
    "friends" : [
            "friendId" : "6204605617d5fcc3c179f3cc", // this here is my ID
            "status" : 0,
            "createdDate" : {
                "$date" : 1644971031461
    "__v" : 0

Here are my Data on backend

    "_id" : ObjectId("6204605617d5fcc3c179f3cc"),
    "firstName" : "Test",
    "email" : "[email protected]",
    "lastName" : "Test",
    "password" : "$2b$10$koGb0fIcdWvq2ugGQXF7.OOmoof1QCH8IKQtoMGl9MHSJuu5Xumd6",
    "phone" : {
        "number" : "01234567",
        "countryCode" : "DE",
        "dialCode" : "+49",
        "e164Number" : "+4901234567",
        "internationalNumber" : "+49 01234567",
        "nationalNumber" : "01234567"
    "gender" : 0,
    "birthday_day" : "8",
    "birthday_month" : "5",
    "birthday_year" : "1994",
    "__v" : 0

Now this is the part of my frontend when I login.

 public getUserFriends(userId): Observable<any> {
    const api = `${this.baseUrl}/user-friends`
    return, JSON.stringify({friendId: userId}), this.httpOptions).pipe(
      map((response: User) => {
        return response;
      (err) => {
        throw err;


  showPendingFriends(authId): Observable<any> {
    return new Observable<any>(observer => {
      this.userService.getUserFriends({friendId: authId}).subscribe(response => {;


 this.userHelper.showPendingFriends(this.authService.userID).subscribe(res => console.log(res));