I am trying to make 10 API calls to the reddit API to get a users most recent comments.
Basically, Reddit uses a parameter ‘after’ in the URI to get the next page. So basically, if there is some dummy example comment data below, I need the LAST ID.
API Call: https://www.reddit.com/user/USERNAME/comments.json?limit=3
id: 'd4gf125',
comment: 'blah blah blah'
id: 'dag42ra',
comment: 'blah blah blah'
id: '**hq6ir3j**', // I need this ID right here, the LAST in the list for the next API call
comment: 'blah blah blah'
Then, another API call needs to be made directly AFTER the previous, using the ID as a parameter.
API Call:
This will run 10 times, which will get 10 pages, so in total, 30 results.
I have tried using this for loop but as for loops are not asynchronous, I cannot change the variable ‘lastID’ in time.
First attempt:
const handleSubmit = async () => {
axios.get(`${apiUrl}user/${username}/about.json`).then((res) => {
about: res.data.data,
.then((res) => {
let data = res.data.data.children;
let lastItem = data[data.length - 1];
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
.then((res) => {
lastItem =
res.data.data.children[res.data.data.children.length - 1];
If you need some example REAL data, see the link below: