Extract dates in an text

I have a text with Shamsi date like this:

Pathology report on 01.09.1402 (22.11.2023): Baso-squamous carcinoma in right thigh skin.
Surgical pathology report on 30.03.1403, Multiple lymphoid tissue involved by metastatic epithelial tumor of right inguinal mass.

I want to extract all the dates in an array.

How would you do that?

So far we have this:

const text = `Pathology report on 01.09.1402: Baso-squamous carcinoma in right thigh skin. Surgical pathology report on 30.03.1403, Multiple lymphoid tissue involved by metastatic epithelial tumor of right inguinal mass.`


function getDate(d) {
  var day, month, year;

  result = d.match("[0-9]{2}([-/ .])[0-9]{2}[-/ .][0-9]{4}");
  if (null != result) {
    dateSplitted = result[0].split(result[1]);
    day = dateSplitted[0];
    month = dateSplitted[1];
    year = dateSplitted[2];
  result = d.match("[0-9]{4}([-/ .])[0-9]{2}[-/ .][0-9]{2}");
  if (null != result) {
    dateSplitted = result[0].split(result[1]);
    day = dateSplitted[2];
    month = dateSplitted[1];
    year = dateSplitted[0];

  if (month > 12) {
    aux = day;
    day = month;
    month = aux;

  return `${day}.${month}.${year}`;