WordPress Javascript Flash

WordPress Javascript Flash
Please go to http://www.suggestingmusic.com for reference.

I am looking to widen the template by 260px. The Highlights and Latest Article sections should widen to fill this new space in the lower area.

The javascript slideshow in the top area just below the navigation stays the same.

Remove the Top Articles section from the site. This space and the extra space from widening the template is to be filled with a Flash Video player or perhaps it needs to be javascript, I don’t know. If possible, please advise after reading further.

I am researching players now and will provide the necessary info, but hopefully you’ve done something like this before and have a solution in mind.

Need to be able to add any ad tag from any ad network to this player so commercials ads can be displayed in the beginning of each video.

The javascript slideshow on the left will slide as it does now, but when a user clicks on one of the slides, instead of going to the individual post page, it will load and automatically play a corresponding video for that story. Slide show should stop sliding so user won’t be distracted watching the video. To select another video the user will click on one of the thumbs in the slideshow, then like last time, click on the big slide and that video begins to play.

Lastly, need simple admin within wordpress, uploading videos and assigning them to the corresponding Featured Artist slides.

Hopefully this makes sense. Hopefully this is an area of your expertise. If this works out, I have more work for you when this is completed.


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