WordPress Plugin Social Submit

WordPress Plugin Social Submit
The WordPress Plugin Would be able to post to the following sites when a blog post is made and runs a WordPress daily scheduler to submit to the sites within wordpress without a cron job.

When doing a blog post, there should be a extra box below the content where it has a box by itself to allow the user to input which category they want to submit to based on what login and password that they have input in the settings

Things it can submit to are
social bookmark sites to the following services at

1. http://www.onlywire.com/thebutton
2. Facebook
3. Twitter

For the article directories.. the list below:

1 EzineArticles.com
2 ArticleAlley
3 GoArticles
4 EasyArticles
5 ArticleDashboard
6 ArticlesBase
7 uPublish.info
8 AmaZines
9 SearchWarp
10 ArticleMotron
11 Dime-Co
12 ArticleSphere
13 ArticleSnatch
14 ArticleTrader
15 IdeaMarketers
16 UltimateArticleDirectory
17 ArticleFeeder
18 ArticleBlotter
19 isnare.com
20 articlesbase.com
21 http://www.helium.com/

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