Entertainer Directory Script

Entertainer Directory Script
Ok Just posting for quotes on this one to see if within our budget.

We need a script dedcated to listing professional entertainers with following specs.

1. Set master admin username and passwrd and add other admin users.

2. Ability to add/edit/delete/order site content pages from admin. Automatically added to site with option of hiding from main nav for hidden pages.

3. Header and footer to be editable from admin for skinning.

4. Ability to add member types EG Entertainer, Venue, Booker.

5. Ability to specify profile and registration fields for each member type including text fields, drop downs, radios, text areas and select what fields are compulsory and whether or not they are displayed on profile.

6. Ability to set pricing for lengths of membership with free trial option or free. Once any trail has expired gateway will add time to profile accordig to payment. Gateways Googlke checkout and paypal.

7. Ability to approve all new profiles or auto approve.

8. Ability to mail all users or individual groups with first name tags included and in batches of 50 emails with delay between batches

9. Ability to add or edit categories for profiles including 1 sub category level

10. Ability to add ad sense code to top left right or bottom of page.

11. Set site name and global meta tags and description.

12. Set admin email address with optional additional admins.


keyword Search function all words in string

Registration date to be recorded and expiry date to be entered to database if entertainer depending on pricing structure settings in admin.

On reaching expiry date profile is no longer shown on site user is emailed for renewal. After 20 days of expiry user emailed warning of deletion. After 30 days of expiry profile including mp3s and images are deleted.

Basic details to be specified in admin above.

Category listings with cat description to show brief synopsis of act and thumbnail of image and more info button. If entertainer has mp3 an mp3 icon, if they have video a video icon. (Same with search results)

To show info from enterttainer profile fields PLUS
An mp3 demo tag EG if act has uploaded an mp3 diplay player on the page if not display no mp3 demo message
A you tube video tag. If Entertainer has added a you tube url on their profile it will embed the video on the profile if not it will display a no video message.
Contact this act by email . (Links to site form that emails the act on their specified email address with subject “Booking Enquiry From {Site name}”
See this acts available dates link (pop up of calendar belonging to act)


Personal detail page name, address, phone, email, username, password, expiry of membership date shown with extend membership button connected to payment.
Close account link with DOUBLE warning of irriversability. This would delete profile and any associated images or mp3’s

Profile page with main fields specified in admin function above.

Demo page showing whether mp3 and video added to profile,
upload option for mp3s with 1 minute length restriction.
Videos via you tube URL

Ful gig calendar like google calendar where entertainer can add edit or delete gigs. Nice calndar date shoosing function with this.


Personal detail page name, address, phone, email, username, password, venue name,

Close account link with DOUBLE warning of irriversability.

These account details will be shown only to entertainers if the booker make an enquiry


SEO friendly URLs for all profiles and site pages

We would like the design to be modular just incase we decide to add more functions in the future.

I think thats it happy bidding.

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