Casino Software Error

Casino Software Error
error in pay for play section of casino. the games played for fun are working fine, but when you pay and then go to play the games for money, the games begin to load in a new pop-up window as they should, but suudenly re-direct you to the “login.php” page of the casino. Was working perfectly for a year.

I have other casinos which have pretty much the exact same games and files and they are working perfectly, it’s just this script.

When I block/comment out the flash file itself, it works.. as in it shows the page.. when you add the flash, it redirects.

I believe there is an issue with the flash file, the way it was coded might not be compatible with the current flash versions possibly. The redirect only happens on the flash, so I don’t know if the flash file itself is not correct, or something is not passing correctly to the flash

Need help from experienced programmer

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