Fast Charging 6X + Admob Ads (Utilities)

App is live in Google Play store. Here is the link

About Fast Charging 6X :
-> Fast Charging 6X Android app enhance the battery charging speed.
-> This app stop all non-system background processes from the device to enhance charging speed.
-> This app display details information about the device battery (battery technology, capacity, health, voltage and temperature).
-> Battery temperature help users to make decision when should off the device screen to cool down it battery.

-> Fast Charging 6X also display how many percent charged after charging started.
-> Fast Charging 6X display a nice animation when battery get charged.
-> Fast Charging 6X display many well designed icons to make the app more understandable.
-> Fast Charging 6X automatically open when device is plugged for charging.

-> Fast Charging 6X build using Latest Android Studio 2.3
-> Fast Charging 6X support Android API version 16 (Jelly Bean) to 25 (Nougat ++)
-> Fast Charging 6X app images and Icons stored in Drawable folders and multiple sizes (hdpi, mdpi, xhdpi, xxhdpi and xxxhdpi).
-> Fast Charging 6X app files and directory organized as Android recommendation.
-> Fast Charging 6X app design code written in values/styles.xml file.
-> Fast Charging 6X app string stored in values/strings.xml file
-> Fast Charging 6X app layout parameters written in values/dimens.xml file (different file for small, normal, large and xlarge screen)
-> Fast Charging 6X app Colors code stored in values/colors.xml file.
-> Fast Charging 6X app Layout and custom layout files stored in res/layout folder.
-> Fast Charging 6X app logics are organized in classes and methods.
-> Fast Charging 6X app Admob ad settings also written in values/strings.xml file.

Follow a good understandable naming convention for both files, directories and variables.
-> Fast Charging 6X app has Admob interstitial ad setup.

Easy to Customise Fast Charging 6X app:

-> To change the app color related value, edit the values/colors.xml file.
-> To change string related value, edit the values/strings.xml file
-> To change the style related code, edit the values/styles.xml file.
-> To change the layout parameters such as margin, padding, text size etc, edit the values/dimens.xml file. There are four different dimens.xml files, so you can set the different value for different files for any specific object. Such as set different text size for different type dimens.xml file (small, normal, large and xlarge screens).
-> Dimens.xml file allow to better optimize the app for both phone and tablet devices.
-> To change integer type settings, edit the values/settings_integer.xml file.
-> After all edit the java and layout xml files for deep level customization.
Edit the drawable xml files to make change custom button and battery progress bar animation.
-> You can change the battery images, the battery images located in res/drawables folder in .png format.

Compilation of Fast Charging 6X:

-> Edit the app level build.gradle file signingConfig section. Set the passwords and file location as your own setup.
-> While build the .apk file, don’t forget to check marks for both V1 (Jar Signature) and V2 (Full APK Signature).

Download Fast Charging 6X + Admob Ads (Utilities)

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