My Dreams (Romantic, Sentimental)

Sentimental, melancholic and positive melody played on mellow piano and acoustic guitars, supported by string orchestra in the second half. Very romantic and dreamy, but optimistic and hopeful in the same time. For anyone who has dreams :)

Also included is a perfectly loopable version (1:50), without fade-out at the end.

Download My Dreams (Romantic, Sentimental)

WordPress Typography Plugin (Utilities)

WordPress Typography Plugin enables you manage entire typography of your WordPress website. You can modify ANY part of your WordPress website on ANY WordPress theme.

  • 150+ custom fonts
  • All CSS2 and CSS3 properties for letters and words
  • Works with Cufon, Google fonts, HDD fonts and standard fonts
  • Cross-browser compatible
  • Translation ready using .po and .mo files
  • Easy installation
  • Extensive help

It’s probably the most advanced plugin to manage typography of your website out there :)

Some fonts include:

* Bookman
* Impact
* Arial
* Arial Black
* Comic Sans MS
* Courier New
* Georgia
* Impact
* Lucida Console
* Lucida Sans Unicode
* Lucida Grande
* Palatino Linotype
* Gadget
* Book Antiqua
* Palatino
* Tahoma
* Geneva
* Times New Roman
* Times
* Trebuchet MS
* Verdana
* Symbol
* Webdings
* Wingdings
* Zapf Dinbats
* MS Sans Serif
* MS Serif
* New York
* Monaco
* Garamond
* Comic Sans MS
* Bookman Old Style
* Charcoal
* Courier
* Gadget
* Cambria
* Calibri
* Avant Garde
* Myriad Pro
* Gill Sans
* Candal
* League Script
* Pacifico
* Architects Daughter
* Indie Flower
* Expletus Sans
* Bevan
* Anton
* Meddon
* UnifrakturCook
* Lato
* Dancing Script
* Kreon
* Astloch
* PT Serif
* Corben
* Schoolbell
* IM Fell
* IM Fell DW Pica
* IM Fell DW Pica SC
* IM Fell Double Pica
* IM Fell Double Pica SC
* IM Fell English
* IM Fell English SC
* IM Fell French Canon
* IM Fell French Canon SC
* IM Fell Great Primer
* IM Fell Great Primer SC
* Radley
* Allan
* Anonymous Pro
* Cabin
* Coming Soon
* Walter Turncoat
* Allerta Stencil
* Raleway
* Slackey
* Cherry Cream Soda
* Bentham
* Geo
* Arvo
* PT Sans
* Luckiest Guy
* Covered By Your Grace
* Unkempt
* Rock Salt
* Gruppo
* Tinos
* Permanent Marker
* Kristi
* Homemade Apple
* Copse
* Kranky
* Allerta
* Cousine
* Crafty Girls
* Cuprum
* Irish Growler
* Merriweather
* Tangerine
* Chewy
* UnifrakturMaguntia
* Josefin Sans
* Fontdiner Swanky
* Syncopate
* Philosopher
* Cardo
* Arimo
* Mountains of Christmas
* Just Me Again Down Here
* OFL Sorts Mill Goudy TT
* Lekton
* Neuton
* Just Another Hand
* Neucha
* Old Standard TT
* Droid Sans Mono
* Lobster
* Yanone Kaffeesatz
* Puritan
* Orbitron
* Droid Serif
* Molengo
* Sunshiney
* Ubuntu
* Coda
* Droid Sans
* Vollkorn
* Calligraffitti
* Cantarell
* Reenie Beanie
* Buda
* Nobile
* Inconsolata
* Josefin Slab
* Crimson Texta
* Crushed
* Sniglet
* Vibur
* Kenia

Download WordPress Typography Plugin (Utilities)